Tag Archives: Reader and Writer Book Club

The Mystery of Space

Episode 45: The Mystery of Space

Space has always been filled with mystery. Strangely, the more astronomers and astrophysicists learn about the makeup of the Universe, the more mysterious space becomes.


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Meet Cil Gregoire, your host for Episode 45: The Mystery of Space

I was born to write. Fortunately, life provided me with plenty to write about. As a young woman, I moved from South Louisiana to Alaska, seeking the Alaska dream. And I found it. Or should I say, the Alaska dream found me? For decades, I was too busy living the adventure to write more than highly descriptive letters to folks back home. I did it all, from teaching school in the bush, to commercial fishing in Bristol Bay and Norton Sound, to building a log cabin in the woods. My novels reflect all these experiences and more.



Mysterious Loss of Billions of Crab in Alaska

Episode 38: Mysterious Loss of Billions of Crab in Alaska


Since 1975, the surveilling authorities of Alaskan fisheries tallied snow crab in the billions. It was observed and confirmed over the years that animal populations rarely remain steady, owing to poor survey procedures, over-harvesting, movement of life based upon changes to the environment, and simple poor management of a resource. About ten years ago, scientists declared that they had “found the largest number of juvenile snow crab ever.” That was important because the juveniles produce the next generation of the crab.

However, in 2021 they found “the fewest juvenile snow crab” since population surveys began being recorded on crab species 46 years ago. That result forced the closure of the snow crab season, which is one of the most important one in Alaska’s economy and for the world’s crab lovers. The first question was what happened to create that mystery?

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This podcast is sponsored by Author Masterminds and the Readers and Writers Book Club. 

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Get to know the authors at The Readers and Writers Book Club


Meet Carl Douglas, the host for Episode 38: Mysterious Loss of Billions of Crab in Alaska


My pseudonym as an author is Carl Douglass, adopted as a means of telling stories with gripping realism—the truth of which would not bring trouble to my door. My writing of gripping, realistic fiction began after I was obligated to retire from the private practice of neurosurgery due to sudden blindness in my left eye from a retinal detachment which caused loss of stereoscopic vision. I carried with me decades-long knowledge of doctors, hospitals, and institutions of higher learning, including some less than laudatory information. My military experience during the years of the recent unpleasantness in Vietnam also gave me considerable insight. Both of those lengthy experiences provided true grist for the mill of my writing, but neither of them need to connect the stories to the lives of the real people and places where the stories took place. In that sense, I know too much and have no wish to incriminate or to bring harm or embarrassment to real individuals or institutions. My rich and varied life has provided even more fodder to feed my mind and contribute realism to my written work. In my time, I have had to work due to lacking a sugar daddy. I have been a grease monkey, a lumber mill and forest worker, a lifeguard, a slaughterhouse worker, a diener in a morgue, a lab rat, an academic writer, a medical officer in a mental hospital, a naval officer and surgeon, a brig doctor, and a deep diving officer. I have been the husband of one fine wife, the father of four children—one deceased—eleven grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren. All of them have enriched the depth and breadth of my storytelling