Tag Archives: Neolithic Age

The Mysterious Michigan Stonehenge

Episode 49: The Mysterious Michigan Stonehenge

Stone circles found in many places in the world are remnants of the Neolithic Age and are predominantly found in the United Kingdom and Ireland. Most people are familiar with Stonehenge on the Salisbury Plain in England. It was built about 5,000 years ago and continues to make the curious wonder – who and why. The 300 stone circles found in Britain and Ireland are interesting, and people have been seeking answers about them for thousands of years. But what about a Stonehenge in Michigan’s Grand Traverse Bay? A recently discovered Stonehenge on the North American continent is amazing news and fires up a whole new line of inquiry.


Clonehenge A blog about Stonehenge Replicas. We kid you not. https://clonehenge.com/2013/12/06/a-quick-list-of-stonehenge-movies-part-one-2nd-part-not-implied/

English Heritage. Avebury https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/visit/places/avebury

English Heritage. Castlerigg Stone Circle https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/visit/places/castlerigg-stone-circle/history/

Exploring Lake Michigan’s 10,000 Year Old “Stonehenge”: Journey Into the Past https://medium.com/the-masterpiece/exploring-lake-michigans-10-000-year-old-stonehenge-journey-into-the-past-8afd6594e642

Holley, Mark. 2019. https://holleyarchaeology.com/index.php/the-truth-about-the-stonehenge-in-lake-michigan/

Jana, Rosalind. Stonehenge and the eerie allure of ancient stone circles. June 2022. https://www.bbc.com/culture/article/20220615-stonehenge-and-the-eerie-allure-of-ancient-stone-circles

Mardenfeld, Sandra. Sept. 2020. https://www.grunge.com/253934/the-truth-about-the-stonehenge-replica-in-lake-michigan/

Moul, Dr. Russell. Edited by Simmons, Laura. What Is A Henge, And Why Were They Built? IFLSCIENCE https://www.iflscience.com/what-is-a-henge-and-why-were-they-built-73755

Shavit, Joseph. 9000-year-old ‘Stonehenge-like’ monument discovered in Lake Michigan. The Brighterside of News. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/9000-year-old-stonehenge-like-monument-discovered-in-lake-michigan/ar-AA1rPaHF

The Archaeologist. January 24, 2023 https://www.thearchaeologist.org/blog/9000-year-old-stonehenge-like-structure-found-under-lake-michigan


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Meet Valerie Winans, Your Host for Episode 49:

The Mysterious Michigan Stonehenge

Valerie Winans is a graduate of Northwestern Michigan College, a retired state government manager, and a former campground host in Denali National Park and Preserve, Alaska. Valerie is the author of four books: Alaska’s Savage River: Inside Denali National Park and Preserve, Road Trip with Remington Beagle: Michigan to Alaska and Back, and A Hero’s Journey: Life Lessons From A Dog And His Friends, and The Extraordinary Life of Edwin B. Winans: From the Stampede for Gold in California to the Capitol of Michigan. A writer of both fiction and non-fiction, her books are written to inform and entertain readers of all ages. She currently resides with her husband in Traverse City, Michigan. More information can be found at www.valeriewinans.com.